‘The Memorial Walks’ is a record of a unique project, in which artist Simon Pope invited a series of writers to memorise a scene from a landscape painting, which they would then be asked to recall while out walking in the open country. Continuing the exploration of memory and place at the heart of Pope’s multi-disciplinary practice, this artist’s book acts as a ‘field guide’ to the seventeen different walks that made up project and features recollections from well-known literary names such as Geoff Dyer, Iain Sinclair, Hari Kunzru, Trezza Azzopardi and Tom McCarthy.
This beautifully designed pocket-size publication includes an introductory essay by project curator Steven Bode, alongside maps, photographs and other marginalia, as well as transcriptions of the writers’ recalls of the paintings, and the paintings themselves.
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The Memorial Walks Simon Pope
105mm x 210mm
Paperback, Full Colour 112 pages
Sally O’Reilly, Tom McCarthy, Geoff Dyer, Iain Sinclair, Hari Kunzru, Brian Dillon, Sharon Morris, George Szirtes, Rex Hancy, Susanna Paisley, David Matless, Ken Worpole, Stuart Jeffries